What is the Safe City Logan Community Survey?

    Through the City of Logan Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2016 - 2020 Council has committed to delivering a Safe City Logan community survey annually.

    The survey and responses will be used by Council to:

    • Further, understand how the community feel about different areas of community safety and crime in the City of Logan.
    • Aid Council in prioritising and planning community safety and crime prevention activities for delivery over the next year.
    • Further, understand if we are meeting our outcomes of the City of Logan Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2016 - 2020.
    The 2019 survey is Council's fourth annual survey.

    How many people responded to the Safe City survey last year?

    A total of 680 responses were received to the 2018 survey.  Based on Logan City's population of approximately 300,000 people the margin of error is less than 3.8%.  This means that we can be sure that if we had asked the question to the entire population, the error variance would be within + or - 3.8% eg. if 92% of respondents reported that they felt safe in their local neighbourhood after dark we can be sure that if we surveyed the entire population, the true result would lie between 88.2% and 95.8% (which is + or - 3.8%).

    Where can I find the results of the Safe City survey from last year?

    Results are available on Council's Safe City Logan Community Survey web page.

    How will these results effect my home/car insurance premiums?

    To protect the confidentiality of survey respondents, results are collated and presented at a whole of city level, rather than for individual suburbs or divisions.

    Results of the survey are based on the respondent's perceptions and are not based on actual incidents of crime in the City of Logan.

    Overall, crime in the City of Logan has continued to trend downwards over the past 7 years.

    How will these results effect my house value?

    To protect the confidentiality of survey respondents, results are collated and presented at a whole of city level, rather than for individual suburbs or divisions.

    Results of the survey are based on the respondent's perceptions and are not based on actual incidents of crime in the City of Logan.

    Overall, crime in the City of Logan has continued to trend downwards over the past 7 years.

    How do I find out results for my individual suburb or division?

    To protect the confidentiality of survey respondents, results are collated and presented at a whole of city level, rather than for individual suburbs or divisions.

    Results of the survey are based on the respondent's perceptions and are not based on actual incidents of crime in the City of Logan.

    Overall, crime in the City of Logan has continued to trend downwards over the past 7 years.

    What is Logan City Council doing with the results of the Safe City survey?

    Through the City of Logan Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2020, Logan City Council has committed to creating a safer city for all our residents and visitors.

    Based on the results of the survey, Council will identify a set of priority community safety and crime prevention activities that will be our primary focus in 2020 to help make Logan neighbourhoods more welcoming inclusive and safe.

    All priorities will be aligned with our City of Logan: Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2020.