Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Training - 2018

Consultation has concluded

We would like to take this opportunity to gain your feedback on how you have utilised the CPTED principles from the CPTED training you completed in August 2018, in a practical setting. By completing this survey you will help us to determine whether the inclusion of a practical component in the annual CPTED training is beneficial to attendees; and

Understand how attendees are practically applying the CPTED principles in a community setting.

We would like to take this opportunity to gain your feedback on how you have utilised the CPTED principles from the CPTED training you completed in August 2018, in a practical setting. By completing this survey you will help us to determine whether the inclusion of a practical component in the annual CPTED training is beneficial to attendees; and

Understand how attendees are practically applying the CPTED principles in a community setting.

Feedback Survey

Consultation has concluded