- Reporting on park maintenance issues like graffiti and vandalism.
- Completing park quality checks.
- Being involved with proactive community park education campaigns.
What is changing?
A review identified that transitioning all three Parks Volunteer programs;
· BushCare;
· TrailCare, and;
· Honorary Park Ranger;
Into an overarching Park Volunteer structure would improve the Volunteer experience.
As part of this change the Honorary Park Ranger (HPR) program will transition to become ‘Park Care’ an ‘adopt-a-park’ style of program.
The Local Law No.5 Parks, Jetties and Boat Ramps provided provision for the former HPR volunteers to direct persons breaching a Local Law to leave a park. If the direction is not followed potentially an infringement notice could be issued. This provision will be removed.
What is not changing?
ParkCare volunteers will continue to provide assistance to Council by;
Why is it changing?
It is important for Council that appropriately experienced and qualified staff handle sensitive compliance matters.
The Local Law No. 5 provided provision for the former HPR volunteers to direct persons breaching a Local Law to leave a park. It has been decided that this compliance activity should sit with Councils Park Ranger Officers and not with volunteers.
What is being changed in Councils Local Law No. 5 Parks, Jetties and Boat Ramps?
How were the Volunteers involved in the change?
Parks Branch Staff and the working group carried out consultations with the current volunteers via a number of facilitated workshops and mail outs.
The feedback was helpful in understanding the view of the volunteers and helped to inform the final outcome.
What will the Park Volunteers do?