Community Engagement Results

From 31 August to 12 October 2022 Council asked the community to share their thoughts and ideas for the Bethania to Logan Village Rail Trail. We engaged via mail drop, email, social media, online, face to face, radio, posters, newspaper, and signs.
The project page was visited 6.8k times and 719 forms were received. Most respondents were in the 45 -64 years old age range and one quarter of respondents were over 65 years old. 18.8% respondents were from Waterford, 12.8% from Bethania, 9.7% from Logan Village, 3.7% from Yarrabilba 2.4% from Waterford West, 48% from other Logan suburbs and 4.4% do not leave in Logan.
70.9% of respondents would use the rail trail, mostly for walking or running, followed by cycle, family recreation, recreational tourism, horse riding and commuting.