Croydon Road Streetscape Upgrades (Woodridge Station Area)

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In January 2024, works started on a major streetscape upgrade to support local business, improve pedestrian and cyclist access and beautify the area.

The Global Food Markets will be held in the Woodridge Station car park while Croydon Road is upgraded.

The streetscape project will create a pedestrian-orientated precinct that supports retail activities and improved active transport connections.

Address Croydon Road from Blackwood Road to Station Road.
Project outcomes Croydon Road becomes a shared zone that will prioritise people, activity, and cyclists, and will support markets and events.
A new toilet block on the corner of Blackwood Road


In January 2024, works started on a major streetscape upgrade to support local business, improve pedestrian and cyclist access and beautify the area.

The Global Food Markets will be held in the Woodridge Station car park while Croydon Road is upgraded.

The streetscape project will create a pedestrian-orientated precinct that supports retail activities and improved active transport connections.

AddressCroydon Road from Blackwood Road to Station Road.
Project outcomes Croydon Road becomes a shared zone that will prioritise people, activity, and cyclists, and will support markets and events.
A new toilet block on the corner of Blackwood Road
Latest update and plansDetailed design complete.
Construction is expected to start January 2024 and finish in September 2024.
Construction worksConstruction activities will generally occur Monday to Friday 6:30am to 5pm, Saturday 6:30am to 2pm.

About the Project

The Croydon Road Streetscape upgrades are an outcome from the Logan Central Summit. The upgrades deliver on the community’s desire for local pride, activation and social opportunities, culture, and health and safety in the Croydon Road Precinct (Woodridge Station area). The Croydon Road Precinct Streetscape Master Plan was completed in mid-2022 and the Croydon Road Streetscape upgrades were identified as a priority project.

The streetscape upgrades include:

  • a slow speed environment with a single level surface across the whole street
  • increased greening, shade and amenity: new trees and planting
  • artwork integrated with the streetscape
  • a flexible-use space with features to support markets and events
  • lighting and CCTV to improve the safety of the street
  • better street facilities - shelters, seating, and bins
  • new toilets, which will support market operations. They will be open during the day and closed at night.

The project is jointly funded by Council and the Queensland Government through the Queensland Government’s 2021-24 South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program.

Community feedback

The community was invited to provide feedback on the concept design and submit other ideas for the streetscape between November 2022 and January 2023. Council hosted 2 activation events where the local community could help design the street improvements:

  1. Colours on Croydon (February 2023) – a 2-day activation to test shared zone concept with art activities.

  1. Taste of Croydon (March 2023) – a mini street festival to test activating public space with creative lighting, local food, and community performances.

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