002189 HEW - Eco Survey 2023 Results- Infographic_png[D].png
During June, the Logan community were given the opportunity to contribute ideas and experiences on how we as a community can lead the way in protecting, enhancing, connecting, and celebrating nature. A total of 605 community members participated in the month-long survey and 57% who completed the survey are aged between 26-45 years. Our community priorities are land acquisition for conversation, biodiversity & habitat improvement and waterways and wetlands health improvement. 22% of contributors belong to a community group and/or environmental group. 79% connect with nature via bush walking and 86% want to participate in environmental activities. 52% connect with water ways in Logan via fishing, kayaking, and swimming. 22% suggested Council ca help break down barries that limit people from connecting to nature. 62% are willing to volunteer through citizen science BushCare. 59% have asked to learn about Council’s Environment Conversation Partnerships that help residents to improve their property. Lastly 87% are looking to participate in workshops that cover plant animal or sustainable living topics.