Libraries’ Learning and Discovery Strategy - Community feedback

This consultation has now concluded

View the final strategy here.


Residents of Logan City love their libraries!

With over 1.6 million visitors each year, our libraries are an important part of the community.

A genuine strength of Libraries is our ability to keep up with the changing patterns of customer use by providing new services and up-to-date resources. And as the way people live, work, learn and play changes, libraries is responding to the emerging needs and aspirations of the Logan community by developing a Learning and Discovery Strategy.

The Libraries' Learning and Discovery Strategy sets out the road map for the development and delivery of library programming and community engagement over the next four years.

Residents regularly provide us with meaningful evaluation and feedback about the services delivered by Logan City Council Libraries and this feedback was reviewed to help develop the outcomes of this strategy.

Through six strategic outcomes, we plan to achieve our vision of Libraries being positioned as the City’s centre for lifelong and self-directed learning and discovery by creating community connections through engagement, collaboration, and experience.

We want to know what you think about each of these strategic outcomes and encourage you to provide feedback. Feedback will close on Sunday, 19 May 2019 at 11.45pm.

View the final strategy here.


Residents of Logan City love their libraries!

With over 1.6 million visitors each year, our libraries are an important part of the community.

A genuine strength of Libraries is our ability to keep up with the changing patterns of customer use by providing new services and up-to-date resources. And as the way people live, work, learn and play changes, libraries is responding to the emerging needs and aspirations of the Logan community by developing a Learning and Discovery Strategy.

The Libraries' Learning and Discovery Strategy sets out the road map for the development and delivery of library programming and community engagement over the next four years.

Residents regularly provide us with meaningful evaluation and feedback about the services delivered by Logan City Council Libraries and this feedback was reviewed to help develop the outcomes of this strategy.

Through six strategic outcomes, we plan to achieve our vision of Libraries being positioned as the City’s centre for lifelong and self-directed learning and discovery by creating community connections through engagement, collaboration, and experience.

We want to know what you think about each of these strategic outcomes and encourage you to provide feedback. Feedback will close on Sunday, 19 May 2019 at 11.45pm.

Discussions: All (6) Open (0)
  • Strategic Outcome 1. Access and inclusion

    by LCC Engagement Program, almost 6 years ago
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Aim: Libraries provide equitable, safe and welcoming environments where anyone can access and participate in shared experiences, for individual and community enrichment and empowerment. 


    • Increase library membership, library use and people’s access to library resources by identifying and addressing barriers to access. 
    • Continue to deliver library programming that features Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content and encourages improved community engagement and understanding. 
    • Provide digital literacy opportunities that help make new and emerging technologies more accessible for all ages.
    • Update the Accessibility Centre as an inclusive facility with services, programs and resources to meet the needs of community members who experience barriers to access. 
    • Ensure library information and communication is accessible, inclusive and provides a range of feedback mechanisms. 
    • Increase the capacity of library staff and volunteers to be responsive to the needs of people with disabilities and/or special needs. 

  • Strategic Outcome 2. Economic opportunity

    by LCC Engagement Program, almost 6 years ago
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Aim: Libraries are places for building economic and social capital through resources, programs and services. 


    • Partner in the development and delivery of library programs that support job seekers, financial literacy, workforce participation and sustainable retirement. 
    • Develop and implement programs and spaces that support small business, including skills development for home-based micro-enterprises. 
    • Collaborate in researching and designing an entrepreneurship program that aims to develop the innovation capacity of Logan’s youth. 
    • Provide networking opportunities for people to share expertise, knowledge and skills in business. 
  • Strategic Outcome 3. Nurturing learning and well-being

    by LCC Engagement Program, almost 6 years ago
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Aim: Libraries provide access to learning opportunities that deliver active skill building, creative exploration, critical thinking and enjoyment. 


    • Provide opportunities that encourage lifelong learning for people of all ages and backgrounds. 
    • Encourage a love of reading amongst the Logan community and reinforce the concept of reading as a life skill. 
    • Seek partnerships and collaborative opportunities to deliver programs that support healthy lifestyles and improve the community’s wellbeing. 
    • Continue to support and deliver adult and intergenerational literacy programs. 
    • Maintain and expand on the early years literacy programming including the suite of First 5 Forever resources. 
    • Support school-aged children by providing enriched out-of-school learning and skills development opportunities. 
    • Provide dynamic programming for young people that empowers them to later become engaged and active adults. 
    • Develop and implement relevant and trending activities and events targeted at people aged 25 to 45 to encourage increased lifelong learning.
  • Strategic Outcome 4. Sustainability

    by LCC Engagement Program, almost 6 years ago
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Aim: Libraries endorse sustainable values and encourage a city-wide culture of sustainability by providing the community with opportunities to gain best practice experience. 


    • Deliver programs for children and youth that provide opportunities for the discovery of environmental, social or economic sustainability. 
    • Continue to support programming that encourage residents to take a proactive approach to sustainability and green living. 
    • Seek partnerships and collaborative opportunities to improve the community’s capacity to live more sustainably. 
    • Identify and implement sustainable methods for delivering programs and outreach, including engaging staff in best practice approaches. 
    • Increase the presence on the Library website of accessible, up-to-date and relevant information and resources about sustainability and green living.
  • Strategic Outcome 5. Connected Communities

    by LCC Engagement Program, almost 6 years ago
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Aim: Libraries are active anchors that bring all citizens together to participate in community and cultural learning activities and conversations. 


    • Maintain an awareness of the community’s diverse needs by sustaining and contributing to collaborative community partnerships. 
    • Continue to seek opportunities to deliver library programs to remote/isolated and underserved communities. 
    • Provide support, training and development opportunities to volunteers in acknowledgment of their economic, social and cultural value. 
    • Continue to deliver programs that showcase and celebrate diversity and support culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents. 
    • Provide opportunities for communities to explore and connect with local history and cultural heritage. 
    • Develop and deliver flexible First 5 Forever outreach programming that is aligned to community priorities. 
    • Continue to develop and deliver the digital Home Library Service. 
  • CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Aim: Libraries support Council’s vision of an innovative, dynamic city of the future by providing discovery programs that generate opportunities of inspiration and creativity for people of all ages. 


    • Provide innovative programs that promote play-based learning and discovery for all ages. 
    • Continue to deliver Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) programming through all libraries. 
    • Provide places and opportunities for cultural and creative experiences. 
    • Continue to support social skills learning through after-school programs. 
    • Continue to deliver relevant and innovative programs that encourage intellectual freedom and community conversations in safe, neutral library spaces.