Logan Planning Scheme 2015 - Industry Thresholds Amendment

Consultation has concluded

Council proposed to update industry thresholds in the planning scheme to reflect industry, developer and community expectations.

Adopted 15 May 2019 and effective from 27 May 2019.

Click here to view planning scheme amendments.


Logan City Council is proposing an amendment to the Logan Planning Scheme 2015 to change the level of assessment for various industry uses.

The industry thresholds within the Logan Planning Scheme 2015 set the level of assessment for a range of industrial uses. The current thresholds are considered to be unnecessarily prescriptive and Council therefore proposes to amend these thresholds. This amendment seeks to reflect industry, developer and community expectations by providing clarity and certainty in the development assessment process.

To assist you in understanding the proposed amendments, please review the following documents in the document library:

You are invited to have your say on the proposed amendments between Wednesday 14 November 2018 and Wednesday 12 December 2018. Your submission will need to state the grounds for the submission.

All feedback will be reviewed and responded to before the amendments are considered by Council and the state government for adoption and incorporation into the Logan Planning Scheme 2015. For further information please phone 07 3412 4247 or email strategicplanning@logan.qld.gov.au.

Council proposed to update industry thresholds in the planning scheme to reflect industry, developer and community expectations.

Adopted 15 May 2019 and effective from 27 May 2019.

Click here to view planning scheme amendments.


Logan City Council is proposing an amendment to the Logan Planning Scheme 2015 to change the level of assessment for various industry uses.

The industry thresholds within the Logan Planning Scheme 2015 set the level of assessment for a range of industrial uses. The current thresholds are considered to be unnecessarily prescriptive and Council therefore proposes to amend these thresholds. This amendment seeks to reflect industry, developer and community expectations by providing clarity and certainty in the development assessment process.

To assist you in understanding the proposed amendments, please review the following documents in the document library:

You are invited to have your say on the proposed amendments between Wednesday 14 November 2018 and Wednesday 12 December 2018. Your submission will need to state the grounds for the submission.

All feedback will be reviewed and responded to before the amendments are considered by Council and the state government for adoption and incorporation into the Logan Planning Scheme 2015. For further information please phone 07 3412 4247 or email strategicplanning@logan.qld.gov.au.

Industry Thresholds Amendment

Consultation has concluded