Loganlea Road Healthy Street Project
Consultation has concluded
Logan City Council is committed to Meadowbrook being a health, wellbeing and education precinct within the City of Logan. In September 2018, Council hosted the Meadowbrook Summit, an engagement event to identify priority projects that could be delivered within Meadowbrook to stimulate the economy and support the health, education and wellbeing objectives for the precinct.
Several actions were identified as part of the Summit and itemised as part of the Meadowbrook Implementation Plan. Transforming Loganlea Road into a Healthy Street and to design and construct a new pedestrian link across Loganlea Road were the top two priority projects identified in the Meadowbrook Implementation Plan. The intent of the project is to:
“Transform Loganlea Road into a Healthy Street - Streetscape enhancements inclusive of pedestrian and cycle infrastructure, better and safer pedestrian connectivity, street planting and shade, smart lighting, water sensitive urban design, integration of new linear bus-stops, public art, street furniture and high-quality interfaces and spaces between public and private areas. Safety through lighting, casual surveillance and activation will form part of the project.
Design and construct a new pedestrian link across Loganlea Road - Link Logan Hospital to the Woolworths shopping centre with a new pedestrian link, inclusive of traffic engineering studies to determine if a pedestrian crossing is feasible. The project may include other changes to Loganlea Road to ensure traffic flow.”
Since the adoption of the Meadowbrook Implementation Plan in 2019, Council has been working towards the delivery of the Loganlea Road Healthy Street vision.
Detailed design works for the proposal have been completed and using funding from Council’s Meadowbrook Implementation Plan Fund and with support from the Queensland Government’s Unite and Recover Project, Council is set to start construction on the project in Mid June 2021.
The project will involve the following to realise the intent of the Loganlea Road Healthy Street vision:
- Install a new at-grade signalised pedestrian crossing between the Logan Hospital and Meadowbrook Shopping Centre across Loganlea Road;
- Provide 2.5-3m wide shared paths from the existing Loganlea rail station to the Logan Motorway to facilitate bicycles and pedestrian connectivity
- Include significant landscaping adjacent to the shared path to create shade and encourage an active frontage to Loganlea Road
- Provide street furniture such as seating and shade structures at key locations
- Install new CCTV cameras, upgrade street lighting along the corridor
- Undertake road modifications to convert Loganlea Road from 4 lanes (existing) to 6 lanes in specific sections. The project will also involve the reclamation of verge in specific areas to facilitate the shared path/landscaping
- Incorporate public artwork
- Be a catalyst for urban design in the centre to encourage development and investment
It is Council’s intent to keep disruption during the construction period to a minimum, however, where there are changes in traffic conditions or other services, Council will provide notification to all affected property owners and businesses through the process.
The construction of the project is planned to be completed by September 2021.
If you would like more information on the project, you can visit the Logan City Council website at www.logan.qld.gov.au/meadowbrookprojects.
Alternatively, should you have any other queries relating to the project, you are welcome to contact Council’s project manager at meadowbrook@logan.qld.gov.au.