Community Engagement in the City of Logan

Consultation has concluded

Community engagement at school

UPDATE November 2020

The Community Engagement Strategy 2020-2024 was endorsed by full Council in November 2020. Community engagement took place over a 5-week timeframe from 3 August to 6 September 2020. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this important process. You can view the final Strategy here.

The Community Engagement Strategy 2020-2024 will guide how Council connect with and listen to the community for the next four years. When we engaged with the community, we heard three clear messages:

  1. Engagement must be authentic. We must have clarity on why we are engaging and where that sits on the IAP2 spectrum.
  2. Close the loop. We need to clearly communicate outcomes and next steps for all projects.
  3. Train staff. We must ensure our staff have the knowledge to provide innovative and practical engagement.

There were many changes made to the draft Community Engagement Strategy as a result of community engagement. You can view the full engagement report and details of these changes here.

What’s next?

Our next step is to develop a Strategy Implementation and Action Plan. This will outline practical actions and guide how we deliver the Community Engagement Strategy 2020 to 2024 over the next four years. The action plan will be regularly reviewed to ensure we are on track, and adapted where necessary to meeting changing community needs.

UPDATE November 2020

The Community Engagement Strategy 2020-2024 was endorsed by full Council in November 2020. Community engagement took place over a 5-week timeframe from 3 August to 6 September 2020. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this important process. You can view the final Strategy here.

The Community Engagement Strategy 2020-2024 will guide how Council connect with and listen to the community for the next four years. When we engaged with the community, we heard three clear messages:

  1. Engagement must be authentic. We must have clarity on why we are engaging and where that sits on the IAP2 spectrum.
  2. Close the loop. We need to clearly communicate outcomes and next steps for all projects.
  3. Train staff. We must ensure our staff have the knowledge to provide innovative and practical engagement.

There were many changes made to the draft Community Engagement Strategy as a result of community engagement. You can view the full engagement report and details of these changes here.

What’s next?

Our next step is to develop a Strategy Implementation and Action Plan. This will outline practical actions and guide how we deliver the Community Engagement Strategy 2020 to 2024 over the next four years. The action plan will be regularly reviewed to ensure we are on track, and adapted where necessary to meeting changing community needs.