Timeline Summary
Stage One: City-Wide Engagement
During this stage, community members were asked to respond to the following question:
If it was up to you, what would the City of Logan be like in the future?
Comments were captured from three sources:
- Councils Have Your Say online platform
- Council owned social media platforms
- Hard copy (reply paid) post cards.
September - October 2020
Summary of Community Engagement Themes
Stage Two: Targeted Engagement
The aim of this stage was to create accessible, culturally appropriate, age appropriate and inclusive spaces for all community members to participate in the community visioning process.
A number of community engagement opportunities for hosted including;
- Focused conversations with:
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) people in Logan
- People living with a Disability in Logan
- High School Aged Youth
- Children Five to Ten Years Old
- Young Children Under Five Years Old
- Seniors and First Nations Peoples (no attendees for dedicated sessions, and participants representing community members in these groups attended other sessions)
- Community workshops series with three sessions for members of the public to attend
- Community interest group meetings for community groups and advocates for specific needs to participate in, including:
- Logan Ratepayer’s Association
- Environmental groups of Logan
- Youth Service Providers
- Chamber of Commerce
February 2021
Stage Three: Deliberative Panel
The aim of this stage was to bring together the many faces and voices of the Logan community and create the Logan Community Vision. In their deliberations panel members aimed to make sense of the broad ranging contributions from their fellow community members to develop the Draft Vision Statement, Themes, Actions and Ideas.
Members of the deliberative panel were asked to consider and respond to the following:
"The world is changing and so is the City of Logan. What do we include in a community vision that will help guide Logan City Council's decision-making and actions today"
The panel considered the community inputs from the first two stages of the Logan Community Vision project. Including the online survey results from stage one, and the outcomes from the stage two targeted engagement.
March 2021
Proposed Logan Community Vision
How Community Feedback Shaped the Proposed Community Vision
Stage Four: Final Community Vision
The aim of this stage was gain public feedback and finalise the Logan Community Vision.
The Logan Community Vision:
Logan is a thriving, forward-thinking community, building a smart future by embracing innovation, diversity and equality for all. No matter where you’ve come from, you’re welcome in Logan.
The 9 themes of the Logan Community Vision:
1. Youth | 6. Community |
2. Innovation and employment | 7. Diversity |
3. Humanity | 8. Housing |
4. Green lifestyles | 9.Infrastructure |
5. Climate change |
The Logan Community Vision has also influenced the focus areas in the Logan City Council 2021-2026 Corporate Plan.
May - June 2021